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- Argentine Forces
- .50cal MG with loader, in helmet (5)
- 20mm Rheinmetall with trailer and crew (1)
- 35mm Oerlikon with crew (1)
- 81mm mortar with crew (3)
- 90mm Recoilless Rifle
- Advancing
- Advancing, under fire
- Advancing, with full kit
- Blowpipe
- Engineers
- Falklands Argentinian Army Pack
- Kneeling, firing
- Kneeling, firing, with helmet
- MG Team, advancing
- MG Team, prone
- Officers
- OTO Melara 105mm Pack Howitzer with crew (1)
- Panhard AML90 armoured car
- Radio Operators
- Separate artillery crews
- Special Forces, with FN FAL
- Special Forces, with SMG
- Standing, firing
- British Forces
- .50 cal MG, beret
- .50 cal MG, helmet
- 50mm mortar
- 66mm LAW
- 81mm mortar with crew
- 84mm MAW, beret
- 84mm MAW, helmet
- Advancing under fire, beret
- Advancing under fire, helmet
- Advancing with SLR, beret
- Advancing with SLR, helmet
- Barrie'
- Blowpipe, beret
- Blowpipe, helmet Pack contains 10 figures (1 pose)
- BV202 'Snowcat'
- Engineers, beret
- Engineers, helmet
- Falklands British Army Pack
- GPMG team, on tripod (5)
- GPMG team, prone, beret (5 pairs)
- GPMG team, prone, helmet (5 teams)
- GPMG team, walking, beret (5 pairs)
- GPMG team, walking, helmet (5 teams)
- Gurkhas
- Kneeling, firing SLR, beret
- Kneeling, firing SLR, helmet
- L118 105mm light gun with crew (1)
- L4A2 Bren team (5 pairs)
- LWB Land Rover, hard top
- LWB Land Rover, open topped
- LWB Land Rover, soft top
- M79 Grenade launcher
- Milan team, beret (3)
- Milan team, helmet (3 teams)
- Officers, with SLR/SMG/map (3 poses)
- Officers, with SLR/SMG/map, helmet
- Radio Operators, beret
- Radio Operators, helmet
- SAS, advancing with SLR
- SAS, firing M16
- SAS, with grenade launcher
- Scimitar
- Scorpion
- Separate artillery crews
- Sniper team, ghillie suits (5 pairs)
- Standing, firing SLR, beret
- Standing, firing SLR, helmet
- Standing, firing SLR, helmet, bumroll
- Standing, firing SMG, beret
- Standing, firing SMG, helmet
- SWB Land Rover with hard top
- SWB Land Rover with soft top
- Tabbing Para, full kit, helmet
- Books
- Akbar Miniatures
- Mughuls 28mm
- 1 x Rocket Gun & Crew
- 40mm wire spears with spear tip x 30
- 50mm Wire Spears - spear tip (x30)
- Archers
- Armoured Elephant & Crew
- Artillery Elephant
- Camel mounted artillery
- Elephant and crew
- Heavy Artillery
- Heavy Cavalry
- Heavy Cavalry (unbarded horses)
- Light Artillery Gun & Crew
- Light Cavalry
- Medium Artillery Gun & Crew
- Mughul Commander
- Musketeers
- Nobles
- Spearmen
- Swordsmen
- Mayan 28mm
- Mughuls 28mm
- Historic.One (Cry Havoc)
- Games
- Additional Maps/Counters
- Pack of 2 counter trays
- Pack of 4 Junction Maps
- The 'Crac des Chevaliers'
- The Beach
- The Bell Tower
- The Caravanserai (v2)
- The cave-fortress
- The Chapel
- The Cove
- The Creek
- The Crusader Castle
- The Crusader Trail
- The Desert (v2)
- The Ditch
- The Eagle's Nest
- The Fortified Village (v2)
- The Hamlet
- The Hill (v2)
- The Horn
- The Islet
- The Knoll
- The Lagoon
- The Meadow
- The Motte and Bailey
- The Norman Keep
- The Passage
- The Plateau
- The Priory
- The River
- The Saxon Fortified Harbor
- The Saxon Village
- The Sheepfold
- The Village of Outremer
- The Wadi
- The Welsh Castle
- The Wharf
- The Wood
- The Woodbridge
- Walls & Scaffolding (v2)
- Splintered Light Miniatures
- 15/18mm Historical Dark Ages
- Romano-British
- Romano-British Archers
- Romano-British Heavy Cavalry Command
- Romano-British Heavy Cavalry Command (Barded Horses)
- Romano-British Heavy Cavalry Spears
- Romano-British Heavy Cavalry Spears (Barded Horses)
- Romano-British Heavy Cavalry Swords
- Romano-British Heavy Cavalry Swords (Barded Horses)
- Romano-British Heavy Infantry Spears
- Romano-British Heavy Infantry Swords
- Romano-British Heavy Infantry w/ Crest Swords
- Romano-British Heavy Infantry w/ Crests Spears
- Romano-British Infantry Command
- Romano-British Light Cavalry
- Romano-British Medium Spears with Helmets
- Romano-British Medium Spears without Helmets
- Romano-British Personalities
- Romano-British Warlord
- Romano-British Wolftail Heavy Infantry
- Early Saxons
- Early Saxon Archers
- Early Saxon Command
- Early Saxon Heavy Cavalry
- Early Saxon Heavy Infantry Spears
- Early Saxon Heavy Infantry Swords/Axes
- Early Saxon Heavy Infantry w/ Cloaks
- Early Saxon Javelins
- Early Saxon Medium Infantry 1
- Early Saxon Medium Infantry 2
- Early Saxon Medium Infantry 3
- Early Saxon Medium Infantry Axes
- Early Saxon Medium Infantry Swords
- Early Saxon Personalities
- Early Saxon War Dogs
- Picts
- Scots-Irish
- Normans
- Late Saxons
- Vikings
- Skraelings
- Robin Hood
- Villagers and Livestock
- DBA 3.0 Armies
- Romano-British
- 15/18mm Dungeon Crawl and RPG
- Player Character Sets
- Dragonmen Characters
- Dungeon Delvers
- Dwarf Adventurers
- Dwarf Treasure Hunting Party
- Elf Adventurers
- Female Adventurers
- Half-Orc Characters
- Halfling and Gnome Adventurers
- Henchmen
- Non Human Adventurers
- Non-Human Adventurers 2
- The Adventurers
- Undead Hunter Crew
- Warriors of Magic
- Warriors of Might
- Warriors of Nature
- Warriors of Righteousness
- Warriors of Shadow
- Encounters: Warbands
- Armored Ogres
- Bandits
- Bear Clan Warband
- Boglings and Bog Monster
- Bugbear Warriors
- Centaur Warband
- Dark Elf Warband
- Dwarf Warband
- Evil Men Warriors
- Faun Warband
- Frenzied Humans
- Gnoll Warband
- Goblin Warband
- Greater Undead Set
- Halfling Warband
- Hobgoblin Warband
- Kobold Warband
- Lizardmen Warband
- Northmen Warband
- Orc Warband
- Pig-Faced Orc Warband
- Ratmen Warband
- Skeleton Warband
- Toadmen Warband
- Trog Hunting Band
- Troglodyte Warband
- Wood Elf Warband
- Zombie Horde
- Encounters: Wilderness Sets
- Encounters: Dungeon Sets
- Encounters: Medium Creatures
- Encounters: Small Creatures
- Encounters: Large Creatures
- Encounters: NPCs
- Player Character Sets
- 15/18mm Fantasy
- Fantasy Northmen
- Ratmen
- Dark Elves
- Leonines
- Hyenamen
- Bear Clan
- Beastmen
- Dwarves of Mountain Home
- Dwarf 2-H Axes
- Dwarf Axemen (The Cutting Edge)
- Dwarf Ballistae
- Dwarf Berserkers
- Dwarf Bondi
- Dwarf Bondi Command
- Dwarf Catapults
- Dwarf Cavalry Command
- Dwarf Cavalry Command on Bears
- Dwarf Crossbows
- Dwarf Engineers
- Dwarf Hammers
- Dwarf Heavy Cavalry
- Dwarf Heavy Cavalry
- Dwarf Heavy Cavalry on Bears
- Dwarf Huscarl Command
- Dwarf Huscarls
- Dwarf King's Guard
- Dwarf Light Cavalry
- Dwarf Personalities
- Dwarf Rangers
- Dwarf Rune Guard
- Dwarf Shield Maiden Command
- Dwarf Shield Maidens
- Dwarf Veterans
- Orcs and Goblins
- Giant Warg w/ Riders
- Goblin Archers
- Goblin Blowguns with Shaman
- Goblin Guard
- Goblin Infantry Command
- Goblin Light Cavalry
- Goblin Warg Cavalry
- Goblin Warg Cavalry Command
- Goblin Warg Rider Band
- Goblin Warriors
- Hobgoblin Cavalry
- Hobgoblin Savage Warriors
- Orc Archers
- Orc Archers 2
- Orc Cavalry
- Orc Command 2
- Orc Heavies
- Orc Heavies 2
- Orc Infantry Command
- Orc Personalities
- Orc Spear Wives
- Orc War Hydra
- Orc Warriors 1
- Orc Warriors 2
- Savage Orc Cavalry on Tuskers
- Savage Orc Cavalry on Wargs
- Savage Orc Command
- Savage Orc Javelins
- Savage Orcs
- Troll Throwing Rock
- Troll Warrior with Goblin Shaman
- Tuskers
- Undead
- Leaders and Magic Users
- Core Units
- Skeleton Archers
- Skeleton Cavalry
- Skeleton Centaur Archers
- Skeleton Centaurs
- Skeleton Dwarf Cavalry
- Skeleton Dwarf Crossbows
- Skeleton Dwarves
- Skeleton Goatmen
- Skeleton Goblin Cavalry
- Skeleton Infantry 1
- Skeleton Infantry w/ Swords
- Skeleton Lionmen
- Skeleton Orc Archers
- Skeleton Orc Cavalry
- Skeleton Orcs
- Zombie Infantry 1
- Zombie Infantry 2
- Zombie Infantry 3
- Zombies 4
- Artillery and Battle Machines
- Animals and Beasts
- Special Units
- Dark Dwarves
- Dark Dwarf Boartaurs
- Dark Dwarf Cavalry Command
- Dark Dwarf Corsairs
- Dark Dwarf Crossbows
- Dark Dwarf Cultists
- Dark Dwarf General
- Dark Dwarf Guard
- Dark Dwarf Guard Cavalry
- Dark Dwarf Heavy Cavalry
- Dark Dwarf Infantry 1
- Dark Dwarf Infantry 2
- Dark Dwarf Infantry Command
- Dark Dwarf Light Cavalry
- Dark Dwarf Mutants
- Dark Dwarf Sorcerers
- Dark Dwarf Stalkers
- Dragons
- Men of the East
- Wood Elves of Wyldewood
- Wood Elf Archers
- Wood Elf Cavalry Command
- Wood Elf Cavalry Command on Elk
- Wood Elf Eagle Riders
- Wood Elf Fanatics
- Wood Elf Female Warriors
- Wood Elf Guard Infantry
- Wood Elf Heavy Cavalry on Elk
- Wood Elf Heavy Cavalry on Horses
- Wood Elf Heavy Infantry
- Wood Elf Infantry Command
- Wood Elf Light Cavalry
- Wood Elf Light Cavalry on Elk
- Wood Elf Maiden Guard
- Wood Elf Medium Cavalry
- Wood Elf Medium Cavalry on Elk
- Wood Elf Necromancer
- Wood Elf Personalities
- Wood Elf Rangers with Bows
- Wood Elf Rangers with Swords and Spears
- Wood Elf Sorceress
- Wood Elf Spears
- Wood Elf Swords
- Wood Elf Unicorn Riders
- Woodland Realms
- Gnomes
- Halflings
- The Brotherhood
- 15/17mm Fantasy Egyptians
- Sons of Horus
- Sons of the Scorpion
- Mercenaries and Monsters
- Beast of Ammut
- Daughters of Bast Archers
- Daughters of Sehkmet Blade Dancers
- Fantasy Egyptian Heroes
- Hippo Guard
- Snake Beasts
- Sons of Bast Warriors
- Sons of Ptah Archers
- Sons of Ptah Warriors
- Sons of Sebek Warriors
- Sons of the Serpent Khopesh
- Sons of the Snake Spears
- Sons of Thoth Guard
- Sphinx
- The Sons of Khnum Warriors
- The Sons of Nekhbet
- Sons of Anubis
- Egyptian Undead
- Sons of the Scarab
- Sons of Set
- Army Sets
- 15/18mm Animals and Creatures
- 15/18mm Swarms
- 28mm Hedgerows and Heroes
- Starter Armies
- Animal Armies
- Other Animals
- Armadillos
- Badger Lords
- Beaver Warriors
- Brown Bear Warriors
- Faithful Heroes 1
- Faithful Heroes 2
- Faithful Heroes 3
- Faithful Heroes 4
- Frogs
- Hedgehog Long Spears
- Hedgehog Warriors
- Heroes and Villains
- Mercenaries 1
- Mercenaries 2
- Mole Miners
- Monster Units
- Possum Warriors
- Prairie Dogs
- Rebel Heroes 1
- Rebel Heroes 2
- Skunk Warriors
- The Faithful
- The Rebels
- Villager Personalities
- Wildcat Warlords
- Hares
- Squirrels
- Mice
- Foxes
- Rats
- Weasels
- Otters
- Shrews
- Raccoons
- Other Animals
- Lesser Goblin Armies and Units
- War Gnomes
- Fey
- Hedgerows and Heroes All In Set
- 28mm Fantasy
- Hedgerows and Heroes Rulebook & Army Lists
- 15/18mm Fantasy Gladiators
- The Archer Collection - Special Edition 15/17mm figures
- 15/18mm Historical Dark Ages
- Books
- Ancient History 3000BC-400AD
- 100 Greatest Battles
- Ancient Chinese Armies 1500–200 BC
- Ancient Greek Warship 500–322 BC
- Armies of Julius Caesar 58–44 BC
- Athenian Trireme vs Persian Trireme The Graeco-Persian Wars 499–449 BC
- Boudicca’s Rebellion AD 60–61 The Britons rise up against Rome
- Hadrian’s Wall AD 122–410
- Imperial Chinese Armies (1) 200 BC–AD 589
- Issos and Gaugamela
- Legion versus Phalanx The Epic Struggle for Infantry Supremacy in the Ancient World
- Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600 BC–AD 1300
- Pyrrhus - Hannibal's Model
- Republican Roman Army 200–104 BC
- Roman Army Units in the Eastern Provinces (2) 3rd Century AD
- Roman Army Units in the Western Provinces (3) 4th–5th Centuries AD
- Rome's Enemies (3) Parthians & Sassanid Persians
- The Army of Alexander the Great
- The Army of Pyrrhus of Epirus 3rd Century BC
- The Cimbrian War 113–101 BC
- The Dacians and Getae at War 4th Century BC– 2nd Century AD
- The Hydaspes 326 BC The Limit of Alexander the Great’s Conquests
- The Numidians 300 BC–AD 300
- The Roman Army from Hadrian to Constantine
- The Sarmatians 600 BC–AD 450
- Warships of the Ancient World 3000–500 BC
- Dark Age/Early Medieval History 400-1066AD
- Alfred the Great
- Anglo-Saxon Kings and Warlords AD 400–1070
- Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars
- Arthur and the Kings of Britain The Historical Truth Behind the Myths
- Byzantine Armies 886–1118
- Edward the Elder King of the Anglo-Saxons, Forgotten Son of Alfred
- Hereward The Definitive Biography of the Famous English Outlaw Who Rebelled Against William the Conqueror
- Medieval Indian Armies (2) Indo-Islamic Forces, 7th–Early 16th Centuries
- Mercia The Rise and Fall of a Kingdom
- Never Greater Slaughter Brunanburh and the Birth of England
- Offa and the Mercian Wars (Paperback) The Rise and Fall of the First Great English Kingdom
- Post-Roman Kingdoms ‘Dark Ages' Gaul & Britain, AD 450–800
- Romano-Byzantine Armies 4th–9th Centuries
- Saxon, Viking and Norman
- The House of Godwin The Rise and Fall of an Anglo-Saxon Dynasty
- The Khazars A Judeo-Turkish Empire on the Steppes, 7th–11th Centuries AD
- The Viking Siege of Paris Longships raid the Seine, AD 885–86
- The Vikings
- Viking Warrior vs Frankish Warrior Francia 799–911
- Medieval History 1066-1485
- Agincourt Battle of the Scarred King
- Armies of Medieval Burgundy 1364–1477
- Armies of the Medieval Italian Wars 1125–1325
- Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300–1774
- Attila and the Nomad Hordes
- Bohemond of Taranto (Hardback) Crusader and Conqueror
- Bosworth 1485 The Downfall of Richard III
- Byzantine Armies AD 1118–1461
- El Cid and the Reconquista 1050–1492
- French Armies of the Hundred Years War
- French Medieval Armies 1000–1300
- Genghis Khan & the Mongol Conquests 1190–1400
- Henry V and the Conquest of France 1416–53
- Hungary and the fall of Eastern Europe 1000–1568
- Invasion The Forgotten French Bid to Conquer England
- Knight Hospitaller (2) 1306–1565
- Manzikert 1071 The breaking of Byzantium
- Medieval Indian Armies (1) Hindu, Buddhist and Jain
- Mongol Warrior 1200–1350
- Mongol Warrior vs European Knight Eastern Europe 1237–42
- Reims - October 28, 1359 - May 18, 1360
- The Age of Tamerlane
- The Armies of Agincourt
- The Armies of Crécy and Poitiers
- The Battles of St Albans (Paperback)
- The Crusades
- The Mongols
- The Venetian Empire 1200–1670
- The Wars of the Roses 1455–1485
- Renaissance History 1450-1600
- Border Reiver 1513–1603
- Flodden 1513 Scotland's greatest defeat
- Henry VIII's Army
- Lepanto 1571 The greatest naval battle of the Renaissance
- Mughul India 1504–1761
- Nieuwpoort 1600 The First Modern Battle
- Renaissance Armies in Italy 1450–1550
- Renaissance War Galley 1470–1590
- Scottish Renaissance Armies 1513–1550
- The Border Reivers
- The Irish Wars 1485–1603
- Tudor Knight
- Pike & Shot 1600-1685
- Marlburian 1685-1715
- 18th Century History
- Armies of the Great Northern War 1700–1720
- Frederick the Great's Army (2) Infantry
- Frederick the Great’s Army
- General Washington's Army (1) 1775–78
- General Washington's Army (2) 1779–83
- George Washington’s Army
- German Troops in the American Revolution (1) Hessen-Cassel
- Louis XV's Army (1) Cavalry & Dragoons
- Louis XV's Army (2) French Infantry
- Louis XV's Army (3) Foreign Infantry
- Peter the Great's Army (2) Cavalry
- Philadelphia 1777 Taking the capital
- Poltava 1709 Russia comes of age
- The American Provincial Corps 1775–84
- The French Army in the American War of Independence
- The Jacobite Rebellions 1689–1745
- The Seven Years' War
- Napoleonic History 1789-1815
- Borodino 1812 Napoleon’s great gamble
- Chiclana-Barrosa - 5 March 1811 (In English)
- Dutch-Belgian Troops of the Napoleonic Wars
- Mounted Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard
- Napoleon's Commanders (2) c.1809–15
- Napoleon's Hussars
- Napoleon's Light Infantry
- Napoleon's Red Lancers
- Napoleon’s Mamelukes
- Napoleon’s Mounted Chasseurs of the Imperial Guard
- Napoleon’s Polish Lancers of the Imperial Guard
- Reims - 13 March 1814 (EN)
- The Black Brunswickers
- Wellington's Heavy Cavalry
- Wellington's Peninsula Regiments (1) The Irish
- Wellington's Peninsula Regiments (2) The Light Infantry
- 19th Century History
- Armies of the First Carlist War 1833–39
- Armies of the First Sino-Japanese War 1894–95
- Armies of the War of the Pacific 1879–83 Chile, Peru & Bolivia
- Armies of the War of the Triple Alliance 1864–70 Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay & Argentina
- French Army 1870–71 Franco-Prussian War (1) Imperial Troops
- French Army 1870–71 Franco-Prussian War (2) Republican Troops
- Garibaldi
- German Armies 1870–71 (1) Prussia
- German Armies 1870–71 (2) Prussia’s Allies
- Ottoman Armies 1820–1914
- Texian Volunteer vs Mexican Soldier The Texas Revolution 1835–36
- The Austrian Army 1836–66 (1) Infantry
- The Austrian Army 1836–66 (2) Cavalry
- The New Zealand Wars 1820–72
- The Sikh Army 1799–1849
- The Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection 1898–1902
- The Taiping Rebellion 1851–66
- American Civil War 1861-1865
- Antietam 1862 The Civil War's Bloodiest Day
- Appomattox 1865 Lee’s last campaign
- Atlanta 1864 Sherman marches South
- Chancellorsville 1863 Jackson's Lightning Strike
- Chattanooga 1863 Grant and Bragg in Central Tennessee
- Chickamauga 1863 The river of death
- Fredericksburg 1862 'Clear The Way'
- Gettysburg 1863 High tide of the Confederacy
- Irish-American Units in the Civil War
- Nashville 1864 From the Tennessee to the Cumberland
- Petersburg 1864–65 The longest siege
- Second Manassas 1862 Robert E Lee’s greatest victory
- Shenandoah 1864 Sheridan’s valley campaign
- Shenandoah Valley 1862 Stonewall Jackson outmaneuvers the Union
- Shiloh 1862 The death of innocence
- The Army of Northern Virginia
- The Confederate Army 1861–65 (1) South Carolina & Mississippi
- The Confederate Army 1861–65 (2) Florida, Alabama & Georgia
- The Confederate Army 1861–65 (3) Louisiana & Texas
- The Confederate Army 1861–65 (4) Virginia & Arkansas
- The Confederate Army 1861–65 (5) Tennessee & North Carolina
- The Confederate Army 1861–65 (6) Missouri, Kentucky & Maryland
- The Stonewall Brigade
- The Union Army 1861–65 (2) Eastern and New England States
- Wilderness and Spotsylvania 1864 Grant versus Lee in the East
- Colonial Wars 1820-1939
- World War One
- Bullecourt (Paperback)
- Epehy (Paperback)
- Flesquières (Paperback)
- Mons 1914 (Paperback)
- Sanctuary Wood And Hooge (Paperback)
- The Arab Revolt 1916–18 Lawrence sets Arabia ablaze
- The Australian Army in World War I
- The British Army in World War I (1) The Western Front 1914–16
- The British Army in World War I (2) The Western Front 1916–18
- The British Army in World War I (3) The Eastern Fronts
- The Czech Legion 1914–20
- The East Africa Campaign 1914–18 Von Lettow-Vorbeck’s Masterpiece
- The New Zealand Expeditionary Force in World War I
- Ukrainian Armies 1914–55
- Ypres 1914: Messines (Paperback)
- Inter War Years 1918-1939
- Armies in Southern Russia 1918–19
- Armies of the Russo-Polish War 1919–21
- International Brigades in Spain 1936–39
- The Condor Legion German Troops in the Spanish Civil War
- The Ebro 1938 Death knell of the Republic
- The Russian Civil War (1) The Red Army
- The Russian Civil War (2) White Armies
- The Russian Civil War 1918–22
- The Spanish Civil War 1936–1939
- The Spanish Civil War 1936–39
- The Spanish Civil War 1936–39 (1) Nationalist Forces
- The Spanish Civil War 1936–39 (2) Republican Forces
- World War Two
- A Wargamer's Guide to The Desert War 1940 - 1943 (Paperback)
- Iraq 1941 The battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Fallujah and Baghdad
- Japanese Conquest of Burma 1942 The Advance to the Gates of India
- Leyte Gulf 1944 (1) The Battles of the Sibuyan Sea and Samar
- Malaya and Singapore 1941–42 The fall of Britain’s empire in the East
- Syria and Lebanon 1941 The Allied Fight against the Vichy French
- The Finnish-Soviet Winter War 1939–40 Stalin's Hollow Victory
- The Winter Campaign in Italy 1943 Orsogna, San Pietro and Ortona
- Post War 1945-2000
- Modern Warfare 2000 - present day
- Ancient History 3000BC-400AD
- VaeVictis
- Games
- Magazines
- VaeVictis 152 Special Game Issue (Sep/Oct 2020)
- VaeVictis 154 Special Game Issue (Jan/Feb 2021)
- VaeVictis 156 - Special Game Issue (May/June 2021)
- VaeVictis 158 - Special Game Issue (Sep/Oct 2021)
- VaeVictis 160 - Special game issue (Jan/Feb 2022)
- VaeVictis 161- special game issue (March/April 2022)
- VaeVictis 162 - game issue (May/June 2022)
- VaeVictis 164 - Game issue (Sept/Oct 2022)
- VaeVictis 165 - Game issue (Nov/Dec 2022)
- VaeVictis 167 - Game Issue (March/April 2023)
- VaeVictis 168 - Game Issue (May/June 2023)
- VaeVictis 169 - Special Game Issue (July/August 2023)
- VaeVictis 170 - Special Game issue (October/November 2023)
- VaeVictis 171 - Special Game issue (November/December 2023)
- VaeVictis 172 - Special Game issue (January/February 2024)
- VaeVictis 173 - Special Game Issue (March/April 2024)
- VaeVictis 174 - Special Game issue (May/June 2024)
- VaeVictis 175 - Special Game issue (July/August 2024)
- VaeVictis 176 - Special Game issue (September/October 2024)
- VaeVictis Special Game Issue #177- (November - December 2024)
- VaeVictis Special Game Issue #178 - January-February 2025
- Shield Transfers & Flags
- Raven Banner Games
- 14mm (Epic Scale) ACW
- 28mm ACW Union
- 28mm metal American Civil War - Eagle Finials
- 28mm metal American Civil War - Spear Type Finials
- 28mm metal American Civil War -Rifles
- 28mm Native American Allies
- 28mm Union Generals in greatcoats, Eastern Theater
- 28mm US Cavalry Command, summer
- 28mm US Cavalry Command, winter
- 28mm US Cavalry rescue
- 28mm US Cavalry with carbines, summer
- 28mm US Cavalry with carbines,winter
- 28mm US Cavalry with pistols, summer
- 28mm US Cavalry with pistols, winter
- 28mm US Cavalry with sabers, summer
- 28mm US Cavalry with sabers, winter
- 28mm US dismounted cavalry command, greatcoats
- 28mm US dismounted cavalry command, summer
- 28mm US dismounted cavalry skirmishing, winter
- 28mm US dismounted horse holders, winter
- 28mm US Michigan Cavalry with sabers
- 28mm US Michigan Cavalry with Spencer Rifles
- 28mm US Michigan dismounted cavalry command, summer
- 30 Pounder Parrot Cannon ACW 28mm (1/56) Scale Plastic Model Kit, Bull Run
- 32 Pounder Naval Casement Parapet 1840’s Cannon American Civil War (1/56) 28mm
- 33rd New Jersey Attacking Command
- 33rd New Jersey Firing Command
- 33rd New Jersey Marching Command
- 33rd NJ - Fighting for the Colors
- 7 Inch Brooke Rifle Cannon ACW on Pivot Carriage, fort, parapet, siege 28mm
- 9 Inch Dahlgren Cannon ACW on Carriage (1/56) 28mm scale
- ACW 13 Inch Sea Coast Mortar Resin Kit American Civil War (1/56) 28mm scale
- ACW Artillery 12 Pounder Boat Howitzer Cannon Picket Boat (1/56) 28mm scale
- ACW Artillery Field Cannon Plastic Kit, choice of 3 barrels (1/56) 28mm scale
- M1857 12 Pounder Napoleon Cannon ACW 28mm (1/56) Scale Plastic Model Kit
- RBG 19 - 33rd New Jersey Advancing
- RBG 20 - 33rd New Jersey Marching
- RBG 21 - 33rd New Jersey Firing
- RBG 22 - 33rd New Jersey Attacking
- RBG 26 - Union Infantry in greatcoats, marching
- RBG-32 Union Generals in greatcoats, Western Theater
- Union infantry casualties, greatcoats
- Union Infantry Command in greatcoats
- Union Infantry Command in greatcoats, B
- Union Infantry Command in greatcoats, C
- Union Irish Brigade casualities
- Union Irish Brigade, command, greatcoats, advancing
- Union Irish Brigade, greatcoats, advancing
- Union Irish Brigade, greatcoats, advancing, B
- Union mounted officers in greatcoats
- Union staff in greatcoats
- US artillery, greatcoats, firing, pack b
- US artillery, winter, firing
- US artillery, winter, loading
- US artillery, winter, standing
- US dismounted cavalry, skirmishing, summer
- US dismounted horse holders, summer
- US General Gibbon, greatcoat
- US General Hancock, greatcoat
- US General Meagher, greatcoat
- US Infantry command, greatcoats, firing and skirmishing
- US Infantry, greatcoats, attacking/advancing
- US Infantry, greatcoats, attacking/advancing, pack B
- US Infantry, greatcoats, firing and skirmishing
- US Infantry, greatcoats, skirmishing, pack B
- US Infantry, marching at the shoulder
- US Michigan cavalry Command
- US Michigan cavalry, dismounted, Spencer Rifles
- 28mm ACW Confederate
- 25mm 6th Mississippi at Shiloh Vignette
- 28mm 5th Texas Lancers
- 28mm Cleburne at Franklin Vignette
- 28mm Confederate Cavalry Command, summer
- 28mm Confederate Cavalry Command, Winter
- 28mm Confederate cavalry with carbines, summer
- 28mm Confederate cavalry with carbines, winter
- 28mm Confederate cavalry with pistols, summer
- 28mm Confederate cavalry with pistols, winter
- 28mm Confederate cavalry with sabers, summer
- 28mm Confederate cavalry with sabers, winter
- 28mm Confederate infantry casualties, greatcoats
- 28mm CS dismounted cavalry command, summer
- 28mm CS dismounted cavalry command, winter
- 28mm CS dismounted horse holders, summer
- 28mm CS Infantry, advancing, barefoot
- 28mm CS Infantry, in Weller overcoats, firing
- 28mm Johnston at Shiloh Vignette
- ACW Confederate Williams Gun, Hand Cranked 1 Pound Cannon (1/56) 28mm scale
- Confederate Generals in greatcoats, Eastern Theater
- Confederate infantry casualties, winter
- Confederate mounted officers in greatcoats
- Confederate mounted officers in greatcoats, courier
- CS artillery, winter, firing
- CS artillery, winter, loading
- CS artillery, winter, standing
- CS dismounted cavalry, skirmishing
- CS dismounted cavalry, skirmishing, winter
- CS dismounted horse holders, winter
- CS Fredericksburg Personalities
- CS Infantry command, winter clothing, skirmishing
- CS Infantry, command, greatcoats, marching at the shoulder
- CS Infantry, greatcoats, marching at the shoulder
- CS Infantry, greatcoats, skirmishing
- CS Infantry, Weller coats, marching at the shoulder
- CS Infantry, winter clothing, skirmishing
- CS Infantry, winter, marching at the shoulder
- CS sharpshooters in summer clothing
- CS sharpshooters in summer clothing, pack B
- CS sharpshooters in winter clothing
- RBG-07 Confederate Campfire
- 28mm ACW Regimental Packs
- CS Infantry Regiment, marching at the shoulder, winter clothing
- CS Infantry Regiment, winter clothing, firing
- Union Irish Regiment, greatcoats, advancing
- Union Irish Regiment, greatcoats, marching/advancing
- US 33rd New Jersey Regiment, Attacking/Advancing
- US 33rd New Jersey Regiment, firing, skirmishing
- US 33rd New Jersey Regiment, Marching
- US Infantry Regiment, greatcoats, advancing
- US Infantry Regiment, greatcoats, firing
- US Infantry Regiment, greatcoats, marching at the soldier
- US Infantry Regiment, greatcoats, marching, right shoulder shift
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