1x General in 2 Horse/2 Crew Chariot (LCh)—PICT15 w/ General from PICT02 1x Chariot (LCh)—PICT15 or Light Horse (2Lh)—PICT13 1x Light Horse (2Lh)—PICT13 or Attecotti (4Wb)—PICT16 5x Spearmen (3Pk)—PICT04/05/06 or Javelinmen (2Ps)—PICT09 3x Archers (2Ps)—PICT10 Total Figures: 2 Chariots, 4 Cavalry, and 35 Infantry
**Please note that the picture is not of the contents of the army but simply provided to give a sense of what the figures look like.
1x General (3Kn)—ROBR19 or (3Cv)—ROBR14 1x Comitatus (3Cv)—ROBR15 4x Light Horse (2Lh)—ROBR20 or Peydt (4Sp)—ROBR05 4x Peydt (4Sp)—ROBR05 or Peasants (7Hd)—ROBR04 2x Javelinmen (2Ps)—PICT09 Total Figures: 17 Cavalry and 64 Infantry
**Please note that the picture is not of the contents of the army but simply provided to give a sense of what the figures look lik
1x General (3Cv)—ROBR14 2x Comitatus (3Cv)—ROBR15 1x Comitatus (3Cv)—ROBR16 or Pedyt (4Sp)—ROBR04/05 7x Peydt (4Sp)—ROBR04/05 1x Archer (2Ps)—ROBR07 Total Figures: 12 Cavalry and 34 Infantry
**Please note that the picture is not of the contents of the army but simply provided to give a sense of what the figures look like.